
You're So Real

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Hi you!

So… things happened unexpectedly yesterday. 

When I mentioned on Monday's post (if you haven't seen it, read it here) about "something exciting" happening today, I originally planned to go to Six Flags with my brother and cousins. It was my first day of summer vacation, and I was excited to go to a theme park. What better way to start my summer vacation? 

I started my day at 6:30 am. I woke up, showered, and got dressed. The plan was for my brother and I to go to my dad's work, where we will be meeting up with my cousins. It was 8 am when my dad, brother, and I arrived at my dad's workplace. Since we initially planned to meet with my cousins at 9:30 am, we had an hour and a half to kill. My brother and I went to Starbucks to get our caffeine fix, well at least I did. 

However, when the time to meet came around, my cousin called explaining that his sister (my older cousin) was in labor. She had her baby shower on Sunday, and then she went into labor. We were just talking about when Peter James was going to be born like two days ago… and then BAM. It happened. 

So instead of making our way to Six Flags… we made our way to a hospital. We met up with my cousin, Faith, and her husband. She had her private room so that was really cool to see. 

When it was time for her to give birth, we went to the waiting room. Honestly, that was my first time experiencing being in that situation. I'm not really comfortable with hospitals and babies.  

When we were allowed to enter the room, we finally got to meet him! I was also told to hold/carry him. One problem… I'm REALLY uncomfortable with holding babies. It's scary to me and I start overthinking about everything! I did however, hold him for a while until he started getting fussy. Then I gave him to someone else. 

Meet Peter James. Isn't he adorable???
Afterwards, my cousin and his girlfriend, along with my brother and I decided to watch a movie at the theatre. When we checked for the local listing times, the next showing was at 6 pm. We had two hours to kill. We ended up going to a Walmart and buying brownie mix to bake, and ingredients to make ice cream (my cousin wanted to use his newly purchased blender). Once the two hours passed, we went to the cinema and saw Jurrasic World. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. 

When we got out of the theatre we decided to call it a night. We made our way home and since I have something happening Tuesday, I wanted to get some rest.

Have a great day!

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