boulevard of hopeful dreams
You know that itch that you get but try to avoid? Yet there
it is, continuously nagging at you, waiting to be itched. I have two of those
itches. One being music concerts and music festivals, and the other, is to hop
on a plane and go some place else. Call it wanderlust, jet setter, or any other
term you have to describe it, but that’s the itch I’m talking about on this post. The itch to wander.
To travel.
To experience.
To breathe air in a new city and a new town. To sit in a
different coffee shop and watch people I’ll probably never meet. To see how
people interact within their comfort zone.
So imagine my surprise when my itch decided to hint at me
the need to go and everything magically falls into place… for me to be able to
head to my favorite busy city- New York City.
This trip allowed me to connect with my LA friends that moved out to New York, see Boston covered in snow, and meet people I never thought I'd meet. I got to show my friend, Madisen, around since it was her first time in the city. The Sunday we landed, it was raining. However, we didn't want to stay in so we set out to head to Time Square for Madisen's first night. It was pouring but I loved it. Throughout the week, we visited places even I haven't been to. Visit Museum of Sex? YESSS. (Tip: Keep a VERY open mind when you go.) On other days, we chose to spend the day by ourselves, allowing us to explore the city on our own. Those days, I spent in and out of art galleries in Chelsea or sitting in coffee shops at East Village.
It's currently "mid" winter and let's jet say I've learned to never show your ankles during winter time. My friend Gale described 45 degrees as "warm," but I was there sitting in four layers because I got LA skin and 45 degrees bites at you. HA! Anyways, ready for a whole lot of photos? Here we go... Enjoy!
Before I end today's post, I want to talk about choices. We all have choices. You have the choice to stay at the job you hate, to get up from bed, to eat healthy... we make numerous amounts of choices every single day. From the moment we wake up (to snooze or not) to what we eat for dinner, we are always making choices. Those choices make up who you are. I continuously make the choice to get out of my comfort zone. I appreciate getting out of what I am comfortable with and being in an environment that not only allows me to learn about others, but teaches me more about myself when I'm placed in that circumstance. I encourage all of you to be aware of your choices. Don't live on idle mode, be AWARE. Be ALIVE. Be in the moment!
The concrete jungle isn't for everyone. It's hard on the body, and 1000x harder on your wallet. But every time I'm there, it strengthens parts of me.
New York City is busy, it's dirty, and it's crowded. But when you see people smile in a train when a man pulls a bunny out of hat or when you have to tell your friend to delay plans because you end up helping a lost woman, the City turns into a beautiful different world full of opportunities.
New York City is busy, it's dirty, and it's crowded. But when you see people smile in a train when a man pulls a bunny out of hat or when you have to tell your friend to delay plans because you end up helping a lost woman, the City turns into a beautiful different world full of opportunities.
"We travel, some of us forever, to seek other
states, other lives, other souls."
-Anaïs Nin